Bacco Falls on Bacco Creek

string of drops near Alberta

Craggy little falls on Bacco Creek
  • A log slide down
  • Looking up a long chute
  • Craggy little falls on Bacco Creek
  • Hard slabs of rock near the creek
  • Another long slide over solid rock

Bacco (or Bocco) Creek empties a handful of swamps perched high aside of Plumbago Creek down to Sturgeon River. As it flows down from the swampy highlands and quickly drops down a number of small waterfalls before diving under US-41 and the trail to Canyon River Falls. These waterfalls are pretty diverse and some of them reach respectable heights.


Nine miles south of L'Anse on US-41, just after Alberta, is the old route of US-41 on the left side of the road. Take the old route for a few hundred yards until you cross over Bacco Creek. Either park near the creek or continue on to the logged-out clearing ahead for easier access.

All of the drops are located upstream of old US-41's bridge, and most of them on the east side of the logged-out clearing. Follow the creek up, taking the clearing as a shortcut if desired, to view the falls.

Comments (10)

  • Mark Piotrowski Jul 18, '15 Another new one! Interesting you have this one on your site but not Taylor Creek Canyon Falls-was there last week, very worthy of listing/exploring if you have not yet done so!
    • Jacob Emerick Jul 18, '15 I'm afraid I never got around to Taylor Creek, and I'm now a few thousand miles away. Phil had posted about it a few times while I was in the area, just never got around to checking it out. Ends up being a rather annoying 'incomplete' part of Baraga County on this site, now. :(
    • Mark Piotrowski Jul 21, '15 I hope you plan on keeping the site active-was a major blow when the Steve Fish site went "off the air." Not 100% sure what your focus is, to chronicle your adventures or be a resource, or some of both, but I can send you pics if you wish to add this location to the site.
    • Jacob Emerick Jul 23, '15 Hi Mark, no worries about the site being taken down. I hope. I'm not sure what the wife would do with it if I got et by a mountain lion or something. Anyways, I do intend on keeping it active (still have fifty-odd journal logs to add) and there are some other features I really need to start adding (trail routes, parking locations, etc).As for opening it up... probably not quite yet. I have two ideas floating around, one a grand social network thingy that would be a lot of fun to build (and would take a lot of time) and one that is merely setting up a wiki and managing it. I've had the grand idea for about four years now, so the wiki is sounding more reasonably. I'd rather keep this site as a chronicle and have a separate resource as a more structured dictionary of Michigan Waterfalls that anyone could add to. What do you think?
    • Aaron Miner Aug 16, '15 Either option sounds interesting, the wiki does sound better, but not knowing what all your social media one is, it's hard to truly decide. I've always wondered why there aren't better resources for locating waterfalls in the U.P. (or anywhere else for that matter). This site is the best I have come across, and I thank you!As for Bacco Falls, I haven't been to it yet, but I've been wanting to spend a couple days hitting up falls all around the L'Anse area and hoping I don't make myself sick on Hilltop Restaurant's massive cinnamon rolls! Looks like this would be a nice falls to add to the list for the area.
    • Jacob Emerick Aug 21, '15 Hi Aaron, thanks for chiming in! Yeah, there are a few other websites floating around with waterfalls, some of which were very helpful when I was first getting started on this, but most of them have fallen by the wayside. And, honestly, this one is as well. Since moving out of the midwest there's only so much I can add to it, which makes the idea of a wiki very appealing.That's awesome about your L'Anse explorations. There is one waterfall that is close to here that is not on the website - Taylor Creek. Phil Stagg (Michigan Waterfalls) has posted about it on Facebook. I've heard good things but haven't been there. May be worth checking out. Enjoy the cinnamon rolls!
    • Mark Piotrowski Nov 11, '15 Somehow never got your response Jacob. Taylor Creek Canyon falls is AWESOME!!! Also off old 41, just park at the Creek and go Downstream. First few hundred yards you will think...what the hey, this is patient, soon creek will drop 200 feet in at least 10, up to 15 falls, depending on how you count them. Cannot say much on the tech side of things, I am an old fart who knows little about such things. Aaron, if you get to Houghton, stop in at Year Round Gear downtown across from the Travelodge. The owner, Steve, and I have made excursions, and a good friend of mine has retired to a place in Chassel, and has become a friend of Steve's. You can get a lot of info from these two fellow waterfall nutcases!Hard to believe anyone would get sick on just one little cinnamon roll...:)
    • Jacob Emerick Nov 20, '15 Ha, sounds like I'll be kicking myself for missing out on Taylor Creek Canyon for a long time. That and a new one I just heard about coming down the north side of Mount Arvon... Man, maybe I should just move back to Michigan :)
    • Mark Piotrowski Nov 20, '15 Very cruel, Jacob. Let's just casually mention a "new one" and leave it at that!!!!
    • Jacob Emerick Nov 24, '15 :)
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