Legendary Hikes with James D

They all lived in the same 'house' in Wadsworth Hall for awhile - Nick, Steve, Jacob, and James. When Jacob got old and graduated the other three got a group together and moved down to the eight-person appartment on the west side of Wads. James wasn't much of a hiker, and neither was Nick, but Jacob managed to convince them both to come on a few close hikes during (relatively) good weather.

Jake and Katie at Lower Silver Falls
Gushing uppermost drop

Snowmelt on Gooseneck and Hungarian Falls

Taking advantage of the Keweenaw's mighty spring melt Jacob heads up to Gooseneck Creek to confirm some suspicions before taking a group over to Hungarian Falls.

  • Gooseneck Creek Falls
  • Hungarian Falls
Rain dampening the upper falls

Leisurely Hike at Hungarian Falls

Looking for a break, Jacob takes Nick and James for a little trip to Hungarian Falls in a misty, but dry, time of year.

  • Hungarian Falls

Activity Stream

  • Read 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King.
  • Read Elantris (Elantris, #1) by Brandon Sanderson.
  • Read It by Stephen King.
  • Read Mistborn Trilogy (Mistborn, #1-3) by Brandon Sanderson.
  • Read Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson.
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