Falls of the Huron River
After spending a night camping at Big Erick's Bridge, Logan and Jacob head upstream on the Huron River to find some of the more remote drops.
- Big Falls
- Leatherby Falls
- West Branch Falls

Up Slate River Gorge with Steele
After learning about Slate River Gorge's upstream waterfalls Jacob, Logan, and Steele head to Skanee for a summer wade up the river.
- Ecstasy Falls
- Kukuck's Falls
- Slate River Falls
- Slide Falls

Search for Upper Falls on Sturgeon
Logan and Jacob return to Canyon River Falls to do some searching for an 'Upper Falls' marked on older topographic maps.
- Canyon River Falls
- Upper Falls

Bond Falls and Dry Sandstone
On the way back from Appleton Logan and Jacob make some quick stops in Ontonagon County, including Onion and Sandstone Creek Falls.
- Bond Falls
- Onion Falls
- Sandstone Creek Falls

Third Failure at Vista Falls
Determined to find Vista Falls, even after two failed attempts already, Jacob swings by for a quick stop before a long drive down to Appleton.

Another Attempt for Vista Falls
In an effort to close up the Sturgeon River watershed Jacob heads out to Laird in search for the elusive Vista Falls and finds a lot of swamp.
- Vista Falls

Thunderstorms Over Silver River
An epic thunderstorm cuts a trip to Skanee short, leaving Jacob and Logan soaked to the skin after two short stops.
- Silver Falls
- Ravine River Falls

The First Yellow Dog Adventure
Jacob and Logan finally break into Marquette County and explore the Peshekee Highlands and Yellow Dog Plains (and waterfalls!).
- Big Pup Falls
- Bushy Creek Falls
- Pinnacle Falls
- Yellow Dog Falls

Tough Morning in the Keweenaw
The summer is halfway over. Hoping to finish the Keweenaw Jacob takes Logan for a long adventure from Calumet all the way to Lac la Belle.
- Copper Falls
- Eister Falls
- Fenner's Falls
- Gardener's Falls
- Montreal Falls
- Upper Montreal Falls

Different Approach on Otter Falls
Hoping to find a better way to Otter Falls Jacob and Logan head over to Pike Lake Road for a tick- and yellow jacket-filled adventure.
- Otter Falls