displaying 1 ~ 2 of journal entries with baraga plains

Dark Hiking on the Tama Siding
Determined to hunt down Upper Sturgeon River Falls, Jacob heads out in the woods hours before the sunrise
- Little Spruce Falls
- Powerhouse Falls
- Middle Silver Falls
- Gomanche Falls
- Vista Falls
- Sturgeon River Falls
- Ogemaw Falls

The Long Way to Twin Lakes
Hoping to continue momentum Jacob and Katie loop around Baraga and Houghton County, finding plenty of waterfalls and even more black flies.
- Dault's Falls
- Ogemaw Falls
- Tibbet's Falls
- Lower Dam Falls
- Jumbo Falls
- Agate Falls
- Konteko Falls
- O Kun De Kun Falls
- Wyandotte Falls
displaying 1 ~ 2 of journal entries with baraga plains