displaying 1 ~ 4 of journal entries with lake linden

Alternate Route to a Forbidden Waterfall
Faith and Jacob head up to Douglass Houghton Falls to enjoy the spring melt and try out an alternate approach
- Douglass Houghton Falls

Doing Some Homework at Hungarian and St Louis
Curious about some potential waterfalls in the Keweenaw, Jacob takes Logan for a warm wintertime slog through deep snow.
- Hungarian Falls
- St Louis Falls

Foggy Gratiot and a Forbidden Spot
A cold, wet fog envelops the Houghton area as Jacob heads north to Gratiot River and Douglass Houghton Falls and some epic sights.
- Douglass Houghton Falls
- Gratiot River Falls
- Conglomerate Falls

A Dry Hungarian Falls
Hungarian Falls is one of Lake Linden's primary attractions. Taking advantage of recent storms Jacob and Katie head up to check it out.
- Hungarian Falls
displaying 1 ~ 4 of journal entries with lake linden