displaying 1 ~ 3 of journal entries with snowmelt

Snowmelt on Gooseneck and Hungarian Falls
Taking advantage of the Keweenaw's mighty spring melt Jacob heads up to Gooseneck Creek to confirm some suspicions before taking a group over to Hungarian Falls.
- Gooseneck Creek Falls
- Hungarian Falls

Alternate Route to a Forbidden Waterfall
Faith and Jacob head up to Douglass Houghton Falls to enjoy the spring melt and try out an alternate approach
- Douglass Houghton Falls

A Surprising Find at Quincy Falls
Excited to check out a new drop on Quincy Falls with the warming temperatures, Faith and Jacob head up to Mason with big hopes and are not disappointed
- Quincy Falls
- Upper Quincy Falls
displaying 1 ~ 3 of journal entries with snowmelt