The Wreck of St Louis Gorge
Faith and Jacob head up past Hancock for some slushy hikes and a needed distraction from distressing recent events.
- St Louis Falls

Short Winter Trip to Bruce Crossing
Looking for a long drive and easy visit, Jacob and Katie head down to Bruce Crossing for breakfast and waterfalls.
- Bond Falls
- Agate Falls

Evening Trip to Wyandotte and Beyond
The snow-covered Wyandotte and O Kun de Kun Falls make for an easy trip after a tough Monday workday.
- Wyandotte Falls
- O Kun De Kun Falls
- Konteko Falls

Scouting a Snowy Slate River
Over a mild winter weekend Jacob and Logan head out with the intention of mapping out all of the waterfalls along Slate River of Baraga County.
- Quartzite Falls
- Black Slate Falls
- Erick's Falls
- Big Erick's Falls
- Slate River Falls
- Ecstasy Falls
- Slide Falls
- Kukuck's Falls

Snow and Ice of Redridge
Suffering from a bad case of cabin fever, Faith and Cory tag along for a trip out to Redridge and Freda to get away from college responsibilities for a short time.
- Redridge Dam Falls

Quick Wintery Stop in Copper City
With only a few coordinates left to collect Jacob and Logan head up to Copper City for a quick tromp through the Keweenaw snow.
- Fenner's Falls
- Queen Anne's Falls
- Trap Rock River Falls

Snowshoeing with Katie at Quincy Falls
Katie and Jacob head out to Quincy for some quick exploring and to test out a crazy new-fangled winter hiking tool: snowshoes.
- Quincy Falls
- Upper Quincy Falls

Hacking through Tag Alders of Gratiot
Looking to test the limits of the GPS Jacob and Logan head up to Five Mile Point Road to record some waterfalls along the Gratiot River.
- Gratiot River Falls
- Conglomerate Falls
- Silver Creek Falls
- Eagle River Falls

Doing Some Homework at Hungarian and St Louis
Curious about some potential waterfalls in the Keweenaw, Jacob takes Logan for a warm wintertime slog through deep snow.
- Hungarian Falls
- St Louis Falls

Cold and Frozen Hungarian Falls
Relishing in the weekend cold front, Katie and Jacob take Logan out for a wintertime visit of Hungarian Falls.
- Hungarian Falls