displaying 11 ~ 19 of 19 spring snowmelt journal entries
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Wet Snow and Mud in Marquette County
Katie and Jacob head over to Marquette County to enjoy another warm spring day and to do some hiking along the Dead River.
- Black River Falls
- Ely Falls
- Tourist Park Falls
- Forestville Dam Falls
- Trestle Falls
- Upper Dead River Falls
- McClure Dam Falls

Looking for the Real Dault's Falls
Warm afternoon weather pushes Cory, Jacob, and Katie down for some quick visits in the L'Anse and Baraga area.
- Powerhouse Falls
- Power Dam Falls
- Dault's Falls
- Ogemaw Falls

A Little Gorge of Onion Creek
A warm spring day lures Jacob and Logan down west to hunt down some suspicions of Onion Creek and find a few more falls.
- Onion Falls
- Hidden Falls
- Little Trap Falls
- Victoria Dam Falls

Return to Marquette Waterfalls
After four months away, Jacob returns to Marquette County with Faith and Mike to hunt down some little drops near the Dead River Falls.
- Reany Falls
- Upper Reany Falls
- Holyoke Falls
- Warner Falls
- Schweitzer Falls

Spring Trip to West Branch Sturgeon
Planning to get some coordinates and pictures of the spring melt, Jacob heads out alone to the West Branch Sturgeon River for a long hike down unplowed roads.
- West Branch Sturgeon Falls
- Hogger Falls
- Wyandotte Falls

The Humble Waterfall of Houghton
Jacob learns about a waterfall within the city limits of Houghton along Huron Creek and drags a few friends for a disappointing urban adventure
- Huron Creek Falls
- Upper Huron Falls

Alternate Route to a Forbidden Waterfall
Faith and Jacob head up to Douglass Houghton Falls to enjoy the spring melt and try out an alternate approach
- Douglass Houghton Falls

A Surprising Find at Quincy Falls
Excited to check out a new drop on Quincy Falls with the warming temperatures, Faith and Jacob head up to Mason with big hopes and are not disappointed
- Quincy Falls
- Upper Quincy Falls

Along a Snowy East Branch Gorge
An ambitious plan to hike the length of East Branch Gorge of the Huron River and warming temperatures combine to make for a wonderful and tiring day.
- Big Erick's Falls
- East Branch Falls
- U-Turn Falls
- Big Falls
displaying 11 ~ 19 of 19 spring snowmelt journal entries
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