Few people visit Queen Anne's Falls, tucked away from the main tourist stops of the Copper Country . This tall cascade over blocky chunks of volcanic is unique to the Keweenaw and fits in more with the rugged drops of the Huron Mountains far to the south. The creek drains some large expanses of swamp around Copper City before pouring over this sudden waterfall, surrounded by thick woods, and then flowing gently down to Trap Rock River below.
Copper City is a small little town a few miles northeast of Calumet, just off the main drag of US-41. The main road is actually 3rd Street, which connects to the town to 41. Head down one block to 4th Street and park near Allouez Street, which is on the west side of town. There is a convient utility pull off here with a few meters.
Near the parking area an unmarked dirt road with a narrow wire across loops below the town to the old dump. Follow the dirt road around the bottom of the field and take the ATV trail near the small piles of trash into the woods. This trail leads southeast through the woods into a small meadow. Bear right here to the far corner and cut through the woods. Slaughterhouse Creek is just beyond the treeline and the the falls a short distance downstream.
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